At our specialist learning support centre Laidlaw Hall, we offer a variety of specialist assessments.

Formal Literacy Assessments

These use a range of standardised tests to assess spelling, vocabulary, reading fluency and comprehension, and a general measure of intelligence, as well as diagnostic assessments of phonological awareness, phonic skills and short-term auditory memory. This assessment results in a detailed written report, including standardised scores, equivalent spelling and reading ages, advice and recommendations.

Informal Literacy Assessments

These assessments reveal areas of strength and weakness in encoding (spelling) and decoding (reading). The teacher uses diagnostic assessments of phonological awareness and phonic skills and produces a brief report with recommendations.

Educational Psychologist Assessments

Should you wish to arrange an assessment with an educational psychologist, we work closely with a local psychologist and can assist you in arranging an assessment.

Speech and Language Assessments

We partner with a SLT Practice, and a Speech Therapist works with our pupils on a weekly basis. We are able to offer SLT assessments by arrangement.

Occupational Therapy Assessments

We have worked with our OT for many years and can refer you to her for an OT assessment.

Assessments for Schools

As part of our outreach programme to schools, we are able to provide assessments for children at school as required. See our Working with Schools page for more information


“Thanks so much for all you have done with H this year. Thank you for supporting me through all the different assessments and meetings, both practically and emotionally! It has been such a help to have someone who listens and offers such good advice. Your care for H is always evident, and it helped me so much to have such a wonderful ally.”


To book one of our assessments, please call us on 020 8487 9517 or email us: